Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Break the Interenet with mind, not body"

On Tuesday November 18th, 2014 CNN Opinions posted an article titled, “Break the Internet with mind, not body” by Sonia Jackson Myles. This article consists of commentary on the recently released photos of Kim Kardashian posing nude for Paper Magazine. The article states “The intention was to “break the internet” with the provocative photos of Kardashian baring it all”. These photos took many by surprise and people did not keep their opinions to themselves. Anger and hostility towards these photos have covered the internet since the day the photos were released to the public. 
Kim Kardashian has a positive reputation when it comes to conversation, and being polite. Although many are aware of her questionable past, it began to be looked past until these photos were released in papers and on the internet. One of the main controversies of this article is the power that we have as people behind our words, judging and criticizing others so quickly. The article states, “It’s important to no judge others and to recognize that we have all made decisions that in hindsight (no pun intended) we wish we could take back.” Although the author shows her disapproval of the entirety of the situation she also explains how opinions and words can really diminish a community of hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people.
The author argues that we should not be “breaking the internet” through nude photos, but instead with our minds. Women live in a very different world when it comes to business rather than men. A specific image and reputation is constantly expected from the public. The article states “I remember being an executive in corporate America and being mindful to cover up my curves so the men I worked with would focus on my creative and innovative ideas instead of how I looked.” Women are expected to behave a specific way, but I say to truly “break the internet” that mindset categorizing the mind power of men vs. women needs to disappear.
Overall, the author’s audience is intended for primarily women. Her claim is to turn women away from using their physical bodies as a temple for the internet, but instead to astound the internet with their minds, and everything they can open them up to do. The evidence following this claim comes directly from the article, “Let's encourage all women to seek powerful, sustainable and fulfilling ways to break the Internet and the bank by using our minds instead of our bodies”. The authors logic behind this claim is spot on, as women should indeed use their minds to “break the internet” There is so much more to be offered than a few nude photos to get the entire world talking. Instead, break the internet through education, art, science, fashion, and every other way imagined.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

“The Democratic Party Needs its Soul Back” by Marianne Williamson

In the article, “The Democratic Party Needs its Soul Back” by Marianne Williamson she writes on the categories the Republican party has made relevant, hiding the “more important” issues that should be our governments main focus. The author elaborates on the negativity of a corporatist, and how they would affect our nation, “What can we do? Make it clear -- make it really, really clear -- that hell no, we will not support a corporatist nominee.” Corporatism is the “sociology-political organization of a society by major interest groups, or corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labor, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of common interests”.
The majority of the Democratic Party is against this category of political organization due to the belief that this society puts the economics before the general needs of American citizens. “Corporate America is not dumb; it's worked hard to sew up both political parties in its nefarious schemes to place their short-term economic interests before the health and well-being of the average American.” This political organization has participants from both parties, Republican and Democrat.  The corporatist Republican is said to be, “true to their principles, however abhorrent those principles might be to some of us.” In other words, not all citizens agree with the proposed Republican methods of organization within our nation.  The corporatist Democratic role is said to be, “leeched out of it whatever moral authority.” These few Democratic corporatist have “gone along” with the principles of corporatism, encoring the economics behind the political organization of our nation. This leading to the conclusion that the Democratic Party has lost its soul and needs to recognize the best organization for our society is to prioritize the well-being of Americans.
The authors intended audience is to both the Democratic and Republican parties; I also believe it is intended for all Americans. From reading this article I conclude that the author is a Democrat who is critiquing her opponents as well as her colleagues. The author of this article, Marianne Williamson, is a best-selling author and lecturer. After reading her article, and keying in on her previous accomplishments, I believe this author’s credibility is substantial. Williamson’s argument was greatly constructed, due to the flexibility she presented by critiquing not only the opposing party, but her party as well.
 I am mutual on this topic, as I believe that interest groups and corporate groups are very important in our nation. But, the well-being of Americans is essential to the creation of a nation as a whole.